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At Supportah, we understand the devastating effect sexual harassment can have on those who experience it.

But please be assured there is help available.

Our team of expert employment lawyers and industrial advocates has extensive experience fighting sexual harassment and discrimination claims in various courts, commissions and tribunals.

Call us today for a confidential consultation.

1800 002 444

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome behaviour that is sexual in nature is intended to make another person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.

It does not need to be repeated or on-going for it to be unlawful.

Both men and women can be affected by sexual harassment.

Examples of sexual harassment

Examples of sexual harassment can include:

  • any unwelcome touching, no matter how minor
  • comments, insults or taunts that are sexual in nature
  • staring or leering
  • sexually suggestive jokes or comments
  • intrusive questions about your private life
  • displaying posters or computer screen savers of a sexual nature
  • sending sexually explicit gifts, emails or text messages or inappropriate advances on social media
  • repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates or requests for sex

Where can sexual harassment happen?

Sexual  harassment can happen in the workplace, in education such as schools, universities and colleges, and also in accommodation and the provision of goods and services.

Workplace sexual harassment can happen in the regular work environment, such as an office, a factory, a shop or a work site. But it can also happen anywhere in connection with work.

For example, hotels and motels, conference or function centres, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, taxis and Ubers.

It can also happen on social media, or in text messages.

Reach out for help

If you are experiencing sexual harassment and need to talk, please reach out for help.

Call a friend, or you can make an appointment to see your local doctor, or you can call on of the following services:

Lifeline  13 11 14

1800 RESPECT  1800 737 732

QLife  1800 184 527

Beyond Blue  1300 223 636

MensLine Australia  1300 789 978

Kids Helpline  1800 551 800

To connect with us, please follow us on


LAST UPDATED: April 2022

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